
This image is quite startling in its presentation and final recognition. I have hopefully done my best with the following sequence. During the process of printing out a hardcopy of this web site, I watched as the prints came out of the printer, upside-down, and to my amazement page nine made me catch my breath. You be the judge!

The large Lion from page nine, upside-down!

Something catch your eye! Try scrolling this photo from the bottom up and you will have the same effect replayed for your own revelation.

Look at the eye! Notice the ear ring?

Where has one seen this type of "eye" before?

Is this Osiris?

Osiris (Wesir) translated literally means, [Place of the Eye]. This is indeed a very compelling sequence, one of many I have presented for your review, in this web site. Ultimately, the decision, is the viewers, and the viewers alone. Professional opinions carry the same weight as you or I. This is your world, your life. You decide!

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